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Expression of Interest to contribute to Reflections 2025

Media (digital, print, social), is a vast network used to bring people together and indulge their lifestyles in terms of entertainment, education, communication, and so on. This makes media a broad topic to discuss and share one’s thoughts about, such as: 

  • Media then vs media now
    • Media timelines
    • History 
  • Role of media in personal / professional lfe?
  • How has media changed in terms of social impact? 
  • Influx of AI content in social media
  • What are the effects of AI presence in human-dominated social media?

These are some examples of topics you could explore in your contribution to the magazine (whether it is a comic strip, op-ed, pictures, drawings, article, poem, fictional story, essay, interview, report, interpretive artwork, and more). 

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